Jai Sai Master!
There are two great days every year, that brings out emotional bonding with the country we live in. Aptly placed, one in the beginning of the year and one in mid year. It also feels great, to shout "Jai Hind" with all energy which reverberates for sometime. Particularly when you see OUR flag flying high, in all street corners.
Their formula was a simple one. Let us be together. Let us share our joy and grief and work together for betterment of society. This is precisely what the new age culture, Permaculture says, Share the surplus. Economic differences might remain, but that should not deter us from caring for others or sharing with others. As our great poet Gurajada said, country is not soil, but it is people. So, when we shout Jai Hind or when we salute the flag, that should remind us these words and must motivate us to work for the poor and oppressed. There should not be dearth of clean air or water, fresh food or a large heart.
There are two great days every year, that brings out emotional bonding with the country we live in. Aptly placed, one in the beginning of the year and one in mid year. It also feels great, to shout "Jai Hind" with all energy which reverberates for sometime. Particularly when you see OUR flag flying high, in all street corners.
On these two days, January 26th and August 15th, we own the flag with all the love even atleast for few minutes and salute it.
It is indeed a great feeling!
When one thinks back, how a small thing like a flag can unite us, just look at it. This brings in the word, OUR country flag in the mind and tells us how great we are or our history is. The struggles we went through and rich past we have. Though we got freedom from British only in 1947, this country has rich past which not many current generation does not know of. Probably because the facts are not available or they are not easily accessible. It was quite well known that our history was re-written during british period for the want of erasing few emotional issues or to disconnect us from our past which was studded with great people and culture. In the world, we are placed very unique due to our strong spiritual backbone, for which we have to be ever thankful to our past generations.

As they sing while marching during parade, Kadam Kadam badhaye ja...", we must walk shoulder to shoulder on the path of prosperity, as we are endowed with rich resources.
Let us salute the great heroes who gave us the freedom, which is a costly one, earned with lots of hard work. In many places it is not easy to think freely, work freely and move freely without any bondage. So, let us remain humble and always look up to those who worked to free us from bondage and oppression.
Jai Hind!