Thursday, November 13, 2014

Permaculture – A type of agriculture..?

Everyone has a different way of defining the word Permaculture. However, one must understand that this addresses way of life itself, including every bit of our life, which is why, it is a wonderful science that is necessary for all to understand.
In the words of David Holmgren, it is all about “consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs. People, their buildings and the ways in which they organize themselves are central to permaculture. Thus the permaculture vision of permanent or sustainable agriculture has evolved to one of permanent or sustainable culture”.                

We are talking about the culture (which is defined as a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc. and thinking), which has sustainability as its central axis as we are not thinking about now, but thinking about generations ahead. We have to return what we got as it is or in much better form. Instead, we are seeing degradation all around and if there is a way to stop this and better it, then it is understanding of permaculture and start implementing those principles. Particularly, by observing nature and interacting with it, we can start our journey to the world of permaculture.

Normally, there are two ways to look at it. One, in which anything new can be created with this kind of thinking. Second, adopt principles of permaculture to turn around what we have now and minimize the impact, though can not be eliminated. It is all about the current design which we have created for our life and tweaking slowly to the extent possible, without damaging the totality. For this one needs to start observing how interactions are happening with the world around, including flora, fauna apart from humans, animals and elements like water, air, soil etc.. For example, growing food, be in an independent house or in an apartment or terraces, or farms, even road side, can be done using the principles very appropriately. It is a matter of understanding the need to start exploring the ways in which it can be done.  Infact, had it not been for the previous generations, we would not have seen so many trees on the sides of the roads which is helping to keep certain areas cool and helping in overall protection. It is our responsibility to start looking in such manner, re-design our lives to ensure our next generation is much better off than what we are, thinking beyond simple demand-supply models.
Jai Sai Master!

(to be continued…..!)

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